Friday, August 12, 2005

A Shared Home

The words 'You are not your own, you were bought at a price' - is both convicting and liberating.

It condemns the runaway arrogance of absolute self-rule. My life is not for me to run as I wish and to do with any way I so please. I am not my own. I belong also to someone else.

On the other hand, the success and outcome of my life isn't squarely on my shoulders either. I am not solely responsible. The burden isn't all mine. I am not my own. I belong also to someone else.

What joy to be called a temple. A tabernacle. A home. To be a heart/body that is a shared space with the One who transforms it, enlivens it and nurtures it together with me. I want to be a space always full of love, warmth and truth, and a space always available to others.

- YY

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Problem with Wealth

The penalty of affluence is that it cuts one off from the common lot, common experience, and common fellowship. In a sense it outlaws one automatically from one’s birthright of membership in the great human family.

- Arnold Toynbee

Incriminating, but true. We know it. With every up-step in status, income and lifestyle I am distancing myself. Increasing status makes me inaccessible to many, worse still, it walls me off from reaching out. Look at the high-security gates we build - who is being protected from whom, I wonder? When faced with choices to 'upgrade', I must consider the larger consequences.. I am not always enriched by becoming richer. Gaining wealth, I can lose my place in humanity.