Doing or not doing?
In a Zen koan someone said that an enlightened man is not one who seeks
Buddha or finds Buddha, but simply an ordinary man who has nothing left to
do. Yet mere stopping is not arriving. To stop is to stay a million miles
from it and to do nothing is to miss it by the whole width of the universe.
As for arriving, when you arrive you are ruined. Yet how close the solution
is: how simple it would be to have nothing more to do if only - one had
really nothing more to do. The man who is unripe cannot get there, no matter
what he does or does not do. But the ripe fruit falls out of the tree
without even thinking about it. Why? The man who is ripe discovers that
there was never anything to be done from the very beginning.
-- Merton, Thomas. Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, Doubleday & Company,
New York. 1966. P. 258.
<i>Always a struggle for me: To do this or to do that? To do or not to do at
all? To do more or to do less? But all that is missing the point. The real
issue of the heart has never been about doing or not doing, or how much we
do. But what is it really about? - YY </i>
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